to quote the famous ron burgundy, "I'm in love, and i dont care who knows it!"
i dont know why being 2000 miles away made me realize, but after putting up a bit of a fight to keep me and kelly a couple i just saw so clearly that i really love that girl! she is, without a doubt in my mind, completely worth the fight and the pain of distance.
so for the first time i told her long distance and it just felt like a weight off my back. it was just so nice to express it to her. i have been pretty excited about it and i dont know if this will embarrass her, but i just wanted to share that with everybody i know.
in other news, there isnt much other news. ive been watching way too much olympics. what can i say, michael phelps is a machine and i am entertained by sports such as the trampoline. ive also played more frisbee golf and somehow am kind of enjoying it now. i started running because zack never wants to work out and i need to lose energy somehow.
still no job. yes, still looking, thank you very much.
went to two more open mics. very annoying indeed. i hate the bar scene, it is depressing, no one cares about your music. i need to find coffee shop open mics where even if they hate me, they will still care about music. open mics are just an excuse for unfunny people to do standup. all they talk about is queefing, how jews are rich, asians talk funny, and how different black people are from white people. we get it people. ugh.
on the positive side, the sound guy said me and zack could pretty much have a set whenever we were ready to play one, although we wont really get paid. but still, pretty cool that we can play and invite people to it.
thats about it for now, sorry about the comment debacle, i now will say feel free to never comment ever again. i didnt realize everyone else looked at blogging so differently than me. i was annoyed for a while, but im over it. i probably will only blog now when something truly terrific or horrific happens, or if ive got a pic. todays pics are of me talking to kelly on my backporch and zack at frisbee golf. also a pic from when the bag busted open on zacks steps. hilarious. i will also put a pic on last weeks post.
1 comment:
Hilarious pictures.
You always have at least one line that makes me laugh in each entry. this time it was "I started running because zach never wants to work out".
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