well, my first bit of new happenings is that me and zack began an intensive
workout program to get in shape for halloween when we will be dudes
from that 300 movie. whether or not we will do this program for more
than a week is up in the air, but we are both struggling to walk up the
stairs we are so sore. also, i am going to send my resume to this friend
of zacks who says there might be an opening at a job where i would be paid
15 an hour to find errors in movies. i think i might take it until i find
something music related.
tonight i did what i said. i went to my first open mic at a place called the
pig'n whistle. it was such a beautiful thing. i love committing to something
because if i hadnt told kelly i would do an open mic this week i probably
wouldve wimped out. but instead i sat through 3 hours of pretty bad music
and comedy (with the exception of one comedian and one chick songwriter)
just so i could perform 2 songs. it was such a memorable first night.
the first cool thing that happened was zack got "butterflies" when that chick
sang her song. and when she got up to leave i said "go after her dude" and
without hesitation he jumped up and walked out the door. at least 5 minutes
later he came back all nervous like. he got her myspace, which is kind of like the
modern day digits.
so yeah, we waited for our turns to play. every comedian was pretty stupid.
and when nobody laughed (which is just the most painful thing to witness
in the entire world) every comedian would say "oh we've got a sensitive crowd"
or "oh weve got a religious crowd" and that annoyed me so much because
they were ragging on our sense of humor just because they couldnt bring it.
speaking of not bringing it...every comedian, this broad in the audience would
heckle. for a good 3 hours she knocked everybody. i personally thought she
was funnier than anyone else, but finally one guy in the audience was like
"shut the hell up and f*#king leave! let the artists perform!" and everyone
cheered. except for me. and except for her boyfriend. he was like, "you dont
talk to my girl that way!" and got in his face. they screamed for a bit until the
mediator guy got inbetween them. then some dude at the bar said, "tell that
b#@tch to leave!" the girl said, "this is america, i can say what i want" which
i had to agree with, altho i agree with the artists also. but then the boyfriend
realized what he said and ran at him. got in his face and said "you dont call my
girl a bia" and he said "im standing right here" and then they were all kicked out.
who do you think was the next act?
yep. yours truly. as the place was settling down i said oh zack, please dont let it
be me. then the mediator said, "well, that was awkward. next up greg...critadin?
man, good luck, we need something spiritual to follow that up." or something to the
effect of wow, dont suck.
i played my first song. it got a polite hand clap. i didnt really put my heart in it bc of
nerves. then i played my second one which was the song i played at the battle of the
bands at semo. at the end, this guy in the audience said, "man, i really dig that last
song! whats it called?" and then some other guy said it sounded like radiohead...which
kinda sucks, but hey they were talking! then apparently the sound guy was saying
good job 3 times and i ignored him, bc i was nervous and elated that someone in the
audience enjoyed it. then i was so nervous i just sat down while zack performed
even though i was suppose to sing harmonies for him. i am a bad friend.
but the guy who complimented me gave me his email and said he wanted to jam and
i apologized to the soundguy for ignoring him and he said, "no problem man, you need to come early next week, because people need to hear your stuff." and my heart swelled up like a balloon.
zack met his future gal, we almost saw a fight, and after 3 hours of nerves and 5 glasses of water, i conquered my first hill.
That heckler paragraph is hilarious. Wish I could have been there to witness it. This sounds like a sitcom episode almost — such a chatty audience! Good job on kicking your nerves in the balls on the second song. I like how you're working out for halloween.
dude i'm proud of you.
hope your next night on the stage is even better.
Congrats! I'm so proud and excited for you. What a night to remember.
Don't worry about the comments from everyone, write for your self to reflect, process and learn from your day. If they don't comment it's not because they aren't reading, it might be because they are doing the same.
I do have one question though, why did he announce you as "Greg"? What's up with that?
P.S. - by "they", I meant "we".
i knew you could do it! sounding like radiohead isn't a bad thing but i see why you think it is. i don't think you should make people comment though.
miss your face
Since it has been over a week since you last updated, you can't expect people to comment WHENEVER you get around to posting... it don't work that way kid :-)
Step it up!
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