Monday, August 4, 2008

dolphins and mooching and ecclesiastes

august is moving right along. the olympics are rapidly
approaching. i need to start getting things in motion!
today i got directions to the first open mic which is on
wed. night. i have been practicing alot and i am ready.

saturday i went to the beach for the first time.
i had forgotten how unforgiving those waves can be
if you attempt to fight them. me and zack both had to
take a break because our ears and limbs hurt so badly
from being thrown around like ragdolls. then i looked back
and exactly right where we were 10 seconds ago i saw a
school of dolphins dancing in the tide. when one wave was
coming down i saw at least 6 dolphins with one more air born!
it looked like the stapler in the jello on the first episode
of the office, only it was dolphins. so naturally, even tho
we were limping, we ran back into the water and chased
the big animals hoping they werent sharks.

then i had one of the most frustrating things happen. i left the beach
early and missed a party to go to my roommate kyle's gig. he told me
he had gotten one person on the guest list. i got there on time, i told the
bouncer. but he was a big ole douche. he said there "was no list" and
didnt know kyle. so i paid ten bucks, then ten more for a jack and coke.
i sat down and kyle was not in sight. i watched the performer playing
on the piano (she was god aweful, which was pretty encouraging, heh)
for about 30 minutes and begin to wonder what was going on. then i
found out kyle was in the OTHER room that played music....what?
so just to sum it up, i left the beach early, missed the party, paid 20 bucks,
and listened to crappy music, only to miss kyles performance. oh well,
i guess i did see dolphins.

yesterday, in my classic gregorian massicistic ways i went and played frisbee
golf again. i got a bit better, and dont loathe it now. but still, come on.
why is it ingrained in my male mind that if i suck at something i must
conquer it? although it was fun hanging with the guys, it was a bit of a wasted

i read through ecclesiastes today and just remembered how amazing
the bible is. so many heavy thoughts to chew on. for instance, it says that
sorrow is better than laughter...and that the heart of the wise is in the
house of mourning. and this gives me peace for some odd reason. i sometimes
get stressed when im not totally happy all the time. i feel like i have to lie to
people so they dont worry about me. but man, sometimes im just not happy.
i think part of that is that i lose sight of what is important in life and i worry to
much about vane things...but yeah, sometimes i am just heavy and thats okay.

in other news, i am getting along swimmingly with my roommates. kyle is very
similar to my best bud in london. he is a great guitar player and we made up
a cool song idea last night. he also has a producers touch, so i may pay him to
help lay my tracks down.
it would be cool if we could start writing. bryson is cut from the same cloth
as myself. we are both thinkers who enjoy the occasional mooch. also, in classic
greg form, i am already gaining the reputation for my mooching abilities. i really
think i am misunderstood tho. i mooch yes, but i also have all of my food open to
the public. i really feel like the majority of the time my giving heart is completely
ignored because of my selfish tendencies...maybe im just making myself feel better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"i had forgotten how unforgiving those waves can be
if you attempt to fight them" = instant laughs.
Nice thoughts on life. Ecclesiastes is a kick to the balls eh?