well here i am in chicago. it is the only night ive really had some me time, some down time, because kelly has to finish making a pattern that's due tomorrow. it has been the best week i can remember in a long time and i can already feel the pangs of missing her like mad that will sting when i am back in los angeles. however, the melancholy is overrun by the current incredible high i have being with her right now.
speaking of being with her...i almost wasnt with her at all. thursday morning i woke up on time. i had my bags packed and i was ready to go at 615. 15 minutes earlier than i told my ride i wanted to leave. so i went to his room and asked if he was ready. he wasnt even awake. so i waited. and waited. at 645 he slugged downstairs. then we got stuck in traffic. bad traffic. and my ride doesnt drive like me. he didnt look for faster lanes or speed in the moments of open road. he just took his time. then i got in the airport at 740. my plane was leaving at 820. there was a 45 minute cutoff for getting your ticket! i was screwed. not to mention there was a huge line that wrapped around three times. i knew i had to act fast. i kindly and as pathetically as i could muster asked a lady one loop closer to the front if i could butt. she said there was a window for late people. hope!!!! i cut through all three loops, receiving many an evil look of early morning travelers. told the lady i was 5 minutes past the cut off. she shook her head in disdain and said, 'sorry. you missed your flight.' i whimpered in agony. i pleaded. she said it was too late. i scrunched my face in sadness. she called someone. she handed me my ticket and said, ' you won't make it.' i ran to security. another line. i couldnt even see the end of it so i just decided to be an asshole. unflinchingly, i stepped right into the front of the line. many looks, but surprisingly only one comment. the lady directly behind me said, 'um...excuse me, i am next.' and i said, 'of course you are.' and let her go. then i told one of the security guys i had ten minutes and he let me get to the bins. i put my shoes and crap in and put them back on faster than superman in a phonebooth. then i sprinted as fast as my little bones would take me (keep in mind i had just ran 6 miles the day before for the first time and was very sore). as i neared my gate i literally saw the door begin to close so i screamed 'WAAAAAAAAIIIIIIITTTTTT!!!!!' the door froze, and then reopened. the greatest sight. just the greatest. receiving my final look of annoyance i handed over my ticket and i was on the plane to watch a bad chick flick and drink oj.
i got in early and kelly was still in class. so i took the El half way and then she took it half way and we met. it was easily the best hug i've ever experienced in my entire life. i am not exaggerating either. it was so great to see her and to be able to hold her. whew! it makes me happy just thinking about that moment. i could have turned back around and gone back to LA right there.
we went back to her dorm and dropped off my stuff and went to her friend kate's pad to watch the office and eat pizza (something we did with kate last year, who was kelly's former sweetmate) that was fun, met some cool people, played some pool, laughed and left.
friday we slept in to a ridiculous hour and then went shopping. didnt buy much, but it was fun just walking through the city with her. she introduced me to the caramel apple cider at starbucks. i have never liked cider but that...that is a different beast right there. go. now. try it.
saturday kelly woke early and basically had a work day setting up and working at the 'fall spook fest.' had a chance to meet the people kelly is always talking about. we painted a pumpkin like a cupcake, we bounced in an inflatable boxing ring, we played bean bags and lost terribly, we ate corn on the cob, and we danced like there was no tomorrow. we went out and had chinese food.
sunday i had the most romantic meal of my 23 years. if you are ever in chicago with your love, go to gejas. it is a little hobbit house type place that serves fondu. while we were waiting there was guitar music playing through the speakers, and when we were seated we found out that it was not a recording! the guitar player could have leaned over and smacked me with his guitar he was so close to our table. i spilt chocolate on my tie. we walked through lincoln park, really made me appreciate chicago. we also had pasta earlier that day at a cute place.
monday was rainy. i loved it! while kelly went to class i just walked downtown in the rain. it was perfect. i also played piano at the chicago library. then we went to an exhibit that showcased kerouac's 'on the road' scroll. very freaking cool.
today we slept in again and it was great. kelly skipped her classes. then she was on duty for a while. then we went to one of her class labs and worked on this pattern. it was really fun watching her do her thing. she is an impressively focused individual when she gets into it. love it.
tonight i am hoping to play some ping pong and eat some ben and jerrys. tomorrow we will probably go to a bunch of those photobooth places that do those western photos. and maybe even a picnic on the beach if it warms a bit. (and maybe visit jeff and jolene, but probably wont have time for that.)
Dude, I'm liking this blogspot thing, been checking out many sites on here and it reminds me of the beautiful xanga days.
That was quite an entertaining story. Maybe I shall join this thing you call "BlogSpot"
oh, and the previous comment should have been posted to flight missing, gay hit on story.
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