Sunday, October 5, 2008

jokes, spiritual matters, recycling

i have a couple of quick notes
first off, i want to document my homemade jokes and i thought i'd share them. hopefully i havent already said these...
Q.what do you call a greek sandwich that is relieving itself?
A. a european!

Q.what is an old person's favorite ice cream brand?
A.ben and geriatrics

wait, it gets better
Q. what is a cheerleader's favorite fruit?
A. pom pomegranates!

wow. those were so cheesy i think i am going to just stop there. now to move on to more important matters. i have been reading this book called 'the question of god' by dr. armand m. nicholi jr. and it has just been such a booster of faith energy. it is meant to be a biased juxtaposition of freud and c.s. lewis quotes on god, love, sex, and life. however, if i was a freud advocate i would probably be annoyed by it. maybe it is just my tendency to agree more with the lewis quotes, but this book has just made it feel even more reasonable to put my stock in belief rather than unbelief. one thing i have been convicted about throughout my reading has been how people around those who experience conversions (whether of the mind, heart, or both) report changes in behavior from more inner to outer. i always considered it a positive thing that i am introspective...which i still believe is crucial...but i am realizing that at some point i am just starting to waste my time. i need to be practicing what i believe. i dont really know how to go about doing that more than i am, but i feel like if there was a poll taken on how selfish greg is it would not be pretty. part of me knows that i am misconceived and doesnt care, but part of me realizes a great lacking in my selflessness. this isnt really something i want input on, i am just typing and want to remember that i thought this.

another thought on God that ive had lately...
i had a convo with a girl last night at a party we were having and she had heard i was thinking about leaving l.a. at christmas. She seemed very concerned for me and began asking me what God was leading me to do. and it really tripped me up because i feel like such a faith amateur. i realized last night that while i constantly feel a divine protection over me (like a shield always keeping me safe and healthy and never worrying about money) i dont often get that direction or whisper from God that most spiritual people in my life tend to get. um...i guess i will have to pray about it!

finally, i tried to recycle all of the bottles from last night, thinking id make a fortune. it was so annoying! the recycle machine wouldnt accept certain bottles so i only was able to make money off of like a third of the bottles! guinness recycled well, i made like three bucks. i guess i have zack to thank for that.


Anonymous said...

I didn't get the greek sandwich part for the longest time. maybe because it's pronounced 'year-oh'. :P
That's funny you mentioned that freud/lewis thing; holly sent me a link to the PBS site about that book quite a bit ago.

I don't get that whisper either. I think most people tend to whisper to themselves what they think God 'wants' them to do anyways.

Miss yo' steenking ass.

D3CK5 said...

I couldn't agree more with kevinkelly's comment on the 'whisper'. Well stated. He's also right on the steenking ass as well.

PJ Gunby said...

Greg, as someone who has finally discovered what actual Christianity is (quite different from the one I grew up with) I would say I'm thankful you still feel the way you do in areas. I would suggest to you many times people or "Christians" confuse their personal feelings for the voice of God (they'll deny this up and down but it's true, I mean I did it for a very long time). Prayer is a way for us to communicate to God, and God's Word (the Bible) is how He communicates with us. That's not to say He still doesn't speak to people, I just happen to think it is more rare than people claim.
so in that sense, I also agree with Kevin.
I know you're in L.A. now, but I would love to talk to you about such matters. I would also encourage you to check out one of my latest blogs on myspace, or I the note on facebook (I only have one).
Love you bro,