i have been bitten by the social bug. its wonderful. over the past 3 weeks or so i have been going out like crazy and i cant even keep track of the nights. so if i repeat a story, i apologize. one weekend, i actually stayed on 4 different couches in 4 nights. great fun.
so one weekend i went to a bon fire at the dollarhides, and saw the cottage of my dreams. then that sunday i went and played bingo at Pi. it was very interesting because the number caller was dressed in drag. this was a very weird experience bc i thought i was going to just play bingo, but really he.....i mean she, would take a 15 minute break between each game to "dance" (walk around the room in high heels flirting with guys) and "sing" (lip sink to songs like big girls dont cry). after this, me abby and my new friend tucker went to the house she was sitting and drank lots of wine and smoked alot and played music. the reason i want to remember this night is bc we spoke in english accents the whole time and it reminded me of wonderful nights in london. they called me gerzshery all night and it quickly became my favorite nickname of all time. i was late to work the next day, but it was worth it.
ive been spending time with tons of new and cool people like abby and tucker, slade, the journey girls (emily, janessa, dena, cher, and ashley), work people like spanish and brad, and old friends like katie and and kevin. its been great. i love new seasons like this.
so heres a couple more quick stories about my night life:
one night there was a victor wooten concert at the pageant. dont ask me who invited me or how i knew about it or why i came to the loop because i honestly dont remember. but i do remember seeing emily at the front door when i tried to just waltz in. the lady at the door said the boxoffice was closed so i couldnt enter (which was lame of her, bc the concert was half over anyways). im terrible at taking no for an answer, so i asked emily for her ticket. she said she didnt feel comfortable doing that. somehow she ended up handing it over... so i went to the other door. the guy at this door, luckily, looked very much like drugs had fried all of his useful brain cells. his jaw was slacked open and he was hunched there gazing at me. i handed him the ticket and he said, this has already been swiped, where is your stamp? (i didnt know you needed a stamp on your hand) so i just stood there and raised my eyebrows and lifted my shoulders as if to say, i dunno where it escaped to. he looked at me for a few seconds and then just stamped my hand...hahaha. then my cousin walked by, and i said AMANDA! and looked at the burnout gate keeper and said, hey that's my cousin! as if he cared. then in my moronic state of excitement i asked amanda, what are you doing here? she said, i love victor wooten, what are you doing here? and i responded, I just got here!
...i immediately looked back at the door keeper realizing what i just said. he started stuttering something and so i turned quickly and entered the venue. it was awesome. ireally hope this blog isnt incriminating evidence.
cut to a week later, i went to see the journey girls again for emily's bday extravaganza. they were at a concert at the pageant. so i went to the loop to wait for them to get out. but at the midpoint of the concert they came outside to say hi to me, and they came out so full of energy. they all hugged me, and dena called me a ray of sunshine or something ridiculously nice like that, and they were talking about how fun it was dancing in there....so of course, i began thinking about the week previous. i tell them i want to go in. and i cant remember if it was my idea or dena's, but dena licked her hand and we pushed our hands together to get the stamp to rub off. it didnt really work, but it showed enough stamp to where i felt it would.
so one of them gave me their ticket and i walked up and looked at my hand and said, 'aw man, dang, my stamp mustve washed off in the bathroom' or something and the new door person said, 'no problem at all, hey Johnny give him a new stamp!' then i was in like flin!
after the concert i danced some more. the journey girls all jumped into my dad's van and we headed to maplewood. there, we met up with a bunch of other cool people. at this place called cusamanos, and we all danced goofy and it was great times. i met a few more new people, such as a gal from work, april and her home schooled friend jess.
im tired now, so this post ends here. at work, i ended in the top 20 for march. and am presently in the top 10 for april! (out of 200+) my boss reprimands me alot for showing up late on saturdays, but he also said that if i keep working hard, i will get promoted quickly, because 3 managers have asked about me already!
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