the past 2 weeks have been eerily good times. last week i got a mini promotion, i got out of my 5th consecutive ticket, i discovered 200 missing dollars on a paycheck, i was asked to dj again, i took a roadtrip to chi with charles, and i got to go to the secret spot (a little cave under a creek waterfall in the woods) with some great new people in my life (nate and aubrey). amongst other great nights of course.
i really havent been getting much sleep at all because each night seems to be a new adventure! ive been trying to prioritize my time and decide what activities are worthwhile, but its so tough. at this stage in life i have a bunch of different groups of good friends. so each night is something different, not to mention getting fam time in on the weekends! im even making friends at work again, and its just getting ridonk.
speaking of work, i read this book recommended by aubrey called the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde a few weeks ago. it is fantastic. its got so many provacative quotes and thoughts on art, aging, and the influence of a mentor.
carriage house is having a blast practicing. we certainly have musical chemistry, which i havent experienced much in my life, so its great. we had our first paranormal happening last night at the church too. at the end of practice the light over the balcony turned itself on, and slade said he didnt even know where that light switch was! creepy. today it was off again.
also, evan is just getting cuter. how does he do it? i dont know. but every night i come home he has come up with some new word, laugh or action that just tickles my soul. we played a version of hide and seek last night that i cant even describe properly. we basically laughed the whole time.
and finally, i read a hemingway quote today that said 'happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing i know.' it kinda made me feel dumb for enjoying my life so much right now. but oh well, i am self aware enough to realize im not intelligent, and i think that puts me a step ahead of most unintelligent people anyways.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
open mics, poptart girl, great weekend
quick update. the last week or so has been pretty fun so i gotta report. last thursday i played an open mic with clare. we played a beatles cover in our own style and an original duet. it was surprising how many people were there, and it was nice to have a few of them come up and say they really enjoyed our songs. nothing better when you feel that someones compliment is heartfelt.
tuesday was the highlight of my week tho. i found out that i still have a pair! i went to the city to say bye to kevin and he got me into another free show (dr dog.) that marks 6 consecutive shows i havent paid for, i believe. thats divine provision my friends. it was a grand show, those guys have mastered harmonizing the guitar parts, and that was something ive always wanted to do. at the show i ran into my friend alison and her buds. so we all decided we should go somewhere to eat. everything was closed but someone mentioned that pinup bowl had poptarts. i was so hungry that it sounded like the greatest idea in the world.
so we went to pin up and i Bee lined it to the bar and asked for a pop tart. there was a ridiculously cute girl sitting there and so i pretended not to see her. but something happened that never happens, she talked to me. "that is the cutest. ive never seen anyone order a pop tart here. thats so cute." apparently her dogs name was pop tart also, so small world huh. soooo, after talking a bit i got my powdered sugared blueberry pt and i said it was nice meeting you and returned to my friends. then i thought what the 'ell, and went back and got her number. which is the very first time i have asked for a strangers number. very fun. nothing will probably come of it, but at least i have a cool story.
and this weekend was also a blast. i had a great saturday night hanging with new friends, and sunday was just what i needed. i spent almost the whole day lazing around.
well, first i played soccer with alison's coed team. it was an eye opener. ive been socially smoking, or smocially soaking as some would say, for about 5 months. and it caught up to me. i couldnt run at ALL, and it was so painful, which in turn made me a dreadful soccer player. at one point i actually just fell right on my face while dribbling (no one guarding me either). soooo, yeah, i am really inspired to start taking care of my body again. we shall see.
and finally tonight, i recorded some song ideas on abbys computer and it just sounded aweful. i cant believe how much i love my music when im playing it and how dumb it sounds when im listening. i am at a crossroads now trying to figure out what im doing that makes my writing sound so silly. hopefully, time will tell!
i love life and see good days.
tuesday was the highlight of my week tho. i found out that i still have a pair! i went to the city to say bye to kevin and he got me into another free show (dr dog.) that marks 6 consecutive shows i havent paid for, i believe. thats divine provision my friends. it was a grand show, those guys have mastered harmonizing the guitar parts, and that was something ive always wanted to do. at the show i ran into my friend alison and her buds. so we all decided we should go somewhere to eat. everything was closed but someone mentioned that pinup bowl had poptarts. i was so hungry that it sounded like the greatest idea in the world.
so we went to pin up and i Bee lined it to the bar and asked for a pop tart. there was a ridiculously cute girl sitting there and so i pretended not to see her. but something happened that never happens, she talked to me. "that is the cutest. ive never seen anyone order a pop tart here. thats so cute." apparently her dogs name was pop tart also, so small world huh. soooo, after talking a bit i got my powdered sugared blueberry pt and i said it was nice meeting you and returned to my friends. then i thought what the 'ell, and went back and got her number. which is the very first time i have asked for a strangers number. very fun. nothing will probably come of it, but at least i have a cool story.
and this weekend was also a blast. i had a great saturday night hanging with new friends, and sunday was just what i needed. i spent almost the whole day lazing around.
well, first i played soccer with alison's coed team. it was an eye opener. ive been socially smoking, or smocially soaking as some would say, for about 5 months. and it caught up to me. i couldnt run at ALL, and it was so painful, which in turn made me a dreadful soccer player. at one point i actually just fell right on my face while dribbling (no one guarding me either). soooo, yeah, i am really inspired to start taking care of my body again. we shall see.
and finally tonight, i recorded some song ideas on abbys computer and it just sounded aweful. i cant believe how much i love my music when im playing it and how dumb it sounds when im listening. i am at a crossroads now trying to figure out what im doing that makes my writing sound so silly. hopefully, time will tell!
i love life and see good days.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
carriage house
small progress has been made and it excites me so much. i have begun practicing with clare, if we actually start getting gigs we've decided we want to be called 'arthur and eleanor.' we have 3 songs down pretty well so far. however, i also have had 2 practices with these fellows i met named slade and tucker. they are very cool people and have great taste in music. we've been talking about getting together to jam but finally started meeting a couple sundays ago. we meet at a carriage house behind the church slades dad owns off hanley road. so for now we are calling ourselves such (altho, it kinda reminds me of carol house) its really been fun. i LOVE making music, and its two different experiences playing alone and playing with others. both good, but very different energies.
tonights get together went so well that i am now impatient. i want to start having full songs together so as to open for other bands. but alas, we have a long road ahead. we have lots of half songs, and, while slade has a great singing voice, we also want him to be our drummer, and he is just starting. so time will tell.
also, this weekend at a party with friends 2 cards players showed up. i dont watch baseball so i didnt know it was anyone worth mentioning, but apparently ryan franklin is kind of a big deal. he and todd w something were there and looked bored the whole time.
more importantly, zack was in town for his sisters wedding, and we had a good ole time as usual. we were able to catch up on all kinds of stories about the past 6 months. we also went bowling with kev and that is quickly becoming an annual tradition for when we are together. i shot the best of my life (172) but still somehow ended up losing all bets placed...again!
ugh...its 130 and i have to wake up tomorrow. theres more im sure, but ive gotta hit that hay.
tonights get together went so well that i am now impatient. i want to start having full songs together so as to open for other bands. but alas, we have a long road ahead. we have lots of half songs, and, while slade has a great singing voice, we also want him to be our drummer, and he is just starting. so time will tell.
also, this weekend at a party with friends 2 cards players showed up. i dont watch baseball so i didnt know it was anyone worth mentioning, but apparently ryan franklin is kind of a big deal. he and todd w something were there and looked bored the whole time.
more importantly, zack was in town for his sisters wedding, and we had a good ole time as usual. we were able to catch up on all kinds of stories about the past 6 months. we also went bowling with kev and that is quickly becoming an annual tradition for when we are together. i shot the best of my life (172) but still somehow ended up losing all bets placed...again!
ugh...its 130 and i have to wake up tomorrow. theres more im sure, but ive gotta hit that hay.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
priorities, moving on, DJing
deck! how was cali? hows the new house? im pumped for you and miss you terribly man. i appreciated your priorities list. i asked a few people and you were the only one who responded. i still am working on mine but i know that creating music and spending as much quality time with people i love are probably the top two in my life right now. obviously i dont want it to be that way. i want God to be there in the number one spot....but im just being honest. im finding i operate the best when im striving for honesty not perfection.
i do really like those things you strive for deck, and it confirmed why i respect you more than most anyone ive ever or ever will meet. those are pretty much words to live a life by "be a humble man of faith, who loves his wife genuinely, raises children of strong character and gives more than i take." mm mm mmmm right now i guess the goal is to be a humble man of faith who loves himself and those around him genuinely and gives more than i take.
i am at a little bit of a loss right now. i love that i am self aware enough to know my priorities are out of wack, but frightened i will never remember how to be alone with God on a regular basis. frightened that i am starting to become ok with not understanding so many things about life. for instance, my bro in law tried having a convo with me about politics during a long car ride. and i just went mute. i didnt care and i didnt want to care. i dont understand governments and i dont see what good it would do even if i did. so have i just gotten mentally lazy? yep. i think thats it. this is the most introspective ive been in months! haha
i just read someone elses blog and it encouraged me to instrospect
lifes been good. dont know if i mentioned this, but i saw this terrific movie called 500 days of summer and it really struck a chord with me. its basically about a failed romance and it helped show me other people have felt the pain i have, and it gave me great comfort and hope for the future. breaking up is the suckiest experience, and i certainly hope i dont have to endure that many more times in my life. cant even imagine divorce.
but anyways...
the real reason im even signing onto my blog tonight is because i finally had a blog worthy occurrence! friday night i experienced a first. something i didnt even think i would have the opportunity to do, so i didnt even bother putting it on a 'to do before i die list'. but now i can AND cross it off.
ok, enough preface... i was a DJ!
i got off work on friday at 730. and was planning on having a long shower and taking it easy (either chilling with charles or just going right to bed bc i was pretty sick all day) then i got a text at 8pm from my good friend Doug, who is the DJ mastermind behind a couple dance parties in st louis. the text read "hey totally random....but think you'd be down for djing tonight @ 80s club? i can give you a crash course/$80 and tips. Lmk?"
i couldnt believe it. i still cant. what a cool opportunity. so i said what time?
i got there about 10 and he showed me the way it works. split screen with one song thats playing and one in cue. i just had to pick an 80s tune drag it to the cue, check the levels to make sure it wasnt too loud or quiet, and then fade from one song to the next. it was pretty easy, but very intimidating and nerve racking. definitely the time of your life, dont get me wrong, but scary knowing the party rests upon your fingertips.
many many cute girls requesting silly songs. im still working on appreciating 80s music, but i am pretty much a convert after that night. i hate all the good lookin girls distracting me in life btw. its just knowing that right now everyone is a potential future. i dont like it. its overwhelming. i wish girls had to wear badges or something that explained what was really going on behind the pretty face. like "clingy" or "drama queen" or "petty" this way you wouldnt even have to waste time thinking hmmm im super nervous about talking to her bc u could simply find out the crazy before wasting any time. ...if im honest, im probably still too damaged to even be thinking about girls at all...yeah, im tired of thinking about the future. forget this paragraph. im just keeping my eye on what today brings for now (okay, technically tomorrow, since its 1am, but you know what i mean).
also some guy tipped me 10 to play thriller! haha
and finally, im reading travels with charley at work. falling in love with steinbeck all over again. and i had a convo with an old fam friend yesterday about writing and realized i have alot of new life material. so i need to get back on the writing horse! thats an exciting thought if i can get some discipline and remember how to use my brain.
all in time.
i do really like those things you strive for deck, and it confirmed why i respect you more than most anyone ive ever or ever will meet. those are pretty much words to live a life by "be a humble man of faith, who loves his wife genuinely, raises children of strong character and gives more than i take." mm mm mmmm right now i guess the goal is to be a humble man of faith who loves himself and those around him genuinely and gives more than i take.
i am at a little bit of a loss right now. i love that i am self aware enough to know my priorities are out of wack, but frightened i will never remember how to be alone with God on a regular basis. frightened that i am starting to become ok with not understanding so many things about life. for instance, my bro in law tried having a convo with me about politics during a long car ride. and i just went mute. i didnt care and i didnt want to care. i dont understand governments and i dont see what good it would do even if i did. so have i just gotten mentally lazy? yep. i think thats it. this is the most introspective ive been in months! haha
i just read someone elses blog and it encouraged me to instrospect
lifes been good. dont know if i mentioned this, but i saw this terrific movie called 500 days of summer and it really struck a chord with me. its basically about a failed romance and it helped show me other people have felt the pain i have, and it gave me great comfort and hope for the future. breaking up is the suckiest experience, and i certainly hope i dont have to endure that many more times in my life. cant even imagine divorce.
but anyways...
the real reason im even signing onto my blog tonight is because i finally had a blog worthy occurrence! friday night i experienced a first. something i didnt even think i would have the opportunity to do, so i didnt even bother putting it on a 'to do before i die list'. but now i can AND cross it off.
ok, enough preface... i was a DJ!
i got off work on friday at 730. and was planning on having a long shower and taking it easy (either chilling with charles or just going right to bed bc i was pretty sick all day) then i got a text at 8pm from my good friend Doug, who is the DJ mastermind behind a couple dance parties in st louis. the text read "hey totally random....but think you'd be down for djing tonight @ 80s club? i can give you a crash course/$80 and tips. Lmk?"
i couldnt believe it. i still cant. what a cool opportunity. so i said what time?
i got there about 10 and he showed me the way it works. split screen with one song thats playing and one in cue. i just had to pick an 80s tune drag it to the cue, check the levels to make sure it wasnt too loud or quiet, and then fade from one song to the next. it was pretty easy, but very intimidating and nerve racking. definitely the time of your life, dont get me wrong, but scary knowing the party rests upon your fingertips.
many many cute girls requesting silly songs. im still working on appreciating 80s music, but i am pretty much a convert after that night. i hate all the good lookin girls distracting me in life btw. its just knowing that right now everyone is a potential future. i dont like it. its overwhelming. i wish girls had to wear badges or something that explained what was really going on behind the pretty face. like "clingy" or "drama queen" or "petty" this way you wouldnt even have to waste time thinking hmmm im super nervous about talking to her bc u could simply find out the crazy before wasting any time. ...if im honest, im probably still too damaged to even be thinking about girls at all...yeah, im tired of thinking about the future. forget this paragraph. im just keeping my eye on what today brings for now (okay, technically tomorrow, since its 1am, but you know what i mean).
also some guy tipped me 10 to play thriller! haha
and finally, im reading travels with charley at work. falling in love with steinbeck all over again. and i had a convo with an old fam friend yesterday about writing and realized i have alot of new life material. so i need to get back on the writing horse! thats an exciting thought if i can get some discipline and remember how to use my brain.
all in time.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
open mics and a quick summer.
well this summer was definitely the fastest few months of my entire life. it has been a blur of work, playing music, and spending time with new people. i wish i couldve just skipped over july to be perfectly honest, so im glad that it went so quick.
august was a mix of good times and work... i could have my time line mixed up but i think about a month and a half ago carrie (my sister) found an open mic night in downtown st charles. then i went online and found another one, which inspired me to start practicing my songs again. its been really exciting over the past month+ ive been practicing my songs alot and playing once or twice a week.
playing out is very rewarding. it either goes really well and you can see people enjoying it, or it goes really aweful and you can learn what not to do for the future. not to mention you get to meet other musicians and see other people doing the same thing.
the first one i was so nervous that i couldnt really properly breathe/sing. it went well enough tho, people seemed to enjoy it, and a girl that also played piano came up and said she liked it.
then after 3 open mics in 3 different locations i got pretty comfy in front of people (which i didnt think would ever happen, so that was exciting in itself). i performed silly songs like rocky raccoon and hit me baby one more time as well as my original songs. and its cool to get guy told me i was pitchy, one told me i sounded like fray (which seems like a critique to me), yet little things like seeing the barista come over from the bar to watch are really encouraging.
super sick of the job. going to begin job hunting in the city within the week. im pretty tired of commuting to everywhere i need to be, especially with an suv. i have no time for little things like journaling or running or watching a movie. i bought running shoes so i could start running this summer and i havent run once. ugh!
i probably have tons of stories, but right now im too tired to remember.
august was a mix of good times and work... i could have my time line mixed up but i think about a month and a half ago carrie (my sister) found an open mic night in downtown st charles. then i went online and found another one, which inspired me to start practicing my songs again. its been really exciting over the past month+ ive been practicing my songs alot and playing once or twice a week.
playing out is very rewarding. it either goes really well and you can see people enjoying it, or it goes really aweful and you can learn what not to do for the future. not to mention you get to meet other musicians and see other people doing the same thing.
the first one i was so nervous that i couldnt really properly breathe/sing. it went well enough tho, people seemed to enjoy it, and a girl that also played piano came up and said she liked it.
then after 3 open mics in 3 different locations i got pretty comfy in front of people (which i didnt think would ever happen, so that was exciting in itself). i performed silly songs like rocky raccoon and hit me baby one more time as well as my original songs. and its cool to get guy told me i was pitchy, one told me i sounded like fray (which seems like a critique to me), yet little things like seeing the barista come over from the bar to watch are really encouraging.
super sick of the job. going to begin job hunting in the city within the week. im pretty tired of commuting to everywhere i need to be, especially with an suv. i have no time for little things like journaling or running or watching a movie. i bought running shoes so i could start running this summer and i havent run once. ugh!
i probably have tons of stories, but right now im too tired to remember.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
scatterbrained update.

most likely i will leave out all of the important details. but i feel i must at least put forth effort to update again. usfidelis has been completely restructured in order to stay legit, which is awesome idealogically. in practice it's aweful. the management is just kind of a joke, and the last two weeks have been a living nightmare.
i have had 4 different managers in 2 weeks, i was promoted to the call backs sales then to the main sales floor for 3 days and then back to callbacks. ive been through at least 7 'training' sessions where they tell us all of the things that have changed and what we must do to keep our jobs. lots of people have quit, even sam! and my sales have been nothing short of humiliating. and the power trips we must endure are maddening.
my buddy chad got demoted even tho he has the highest closing percentage on the floor for absolutely no clear reason. and the manager i had would tell me that putting notes into a file for more than 5 minutes was bullshit and tell me that i shouldnt be kicking my 'little ball' (soccerball) around instead of studying the scripts and focusing, even tho 5 minutes prior he was saying to be relaxed and overly friendly on the phone. the inconsistencies are outrageous everyday. they tell us to make a friend on the phone and then tell us in the very same breathe to get thru the script quickly to get to the "NO" so we can rebuttle them. what?
anyways, now thats off my chest, i am still enjoying the challenge of sales. to do it correctly is a major rush. and i had my best day in a month on friday! also my newest of managers is actually a great guy.
outside of work i housesat for dad recently whilst they went frolicking throughout europe. good fun and a good lesson on responsibility. taking care of a hyper dog is just infuriating. but i loved coming home to the city each night and i loved playing piano each night with a nice jack and coke or glass of oj. i even learned to enjoy waking up 20 minutes early to take wesley for a walk in the park. also, while in venice charlie proposed to julie on a bridge!!!! how effing romantic is that. maaaan, i love that kid!
i am still being pleasantly surprised with how much i learn to love st louis more each year. the city has much more open doors once you are a bit older too. im learning this more and more as well. finding gems like london calling and the fucking bike club. not to mention all the little spots you can go like the loop, the cwe, clayton, washington ave, grand, and all the beautiful parks. and i keep meeting new and interesting people too, which just gives me so much hope for humanity and the future of my life (shout out to some cool people ive met: doug, eleanor, erin, tyler, and chad).
a bit melancholy that mj passed on, he was a mad genius and ultimately a tragic story that may be forever misunderstood.
....yet, happy that mars came out with a new disc, and i just found out im going to coldplay and pitchfork in july!
speaking of concerts. i also got to be a part of 2 more free concerts and this time legitimately. one was santigold (the picture) and that was just tons of fun, the other was the dittybops at madart gallery (where kevin sprayed a glowstick all over me...thats what she said).
i love life and i see good days.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
good days.
well life is great. i have been number 4 in the department the whole month, and am most likely going to try my hands at being a salesman next month! i dont know if you've noticed or not, but there have been 3 front page headlines, and one today show interview that totally bashed us (us fidelis). it has been alright tho, business hasnt been affected at all, and our businesses practices have become way better. so while i am embarrassed of my companies past, i am excited about the future.
i have decided i want my next car to be a nissan xterra, now i just have to find out which one exactly.
this weekend was fun. saturday was a bbq at dads where i found out jeff and jolene are moving to st lou and are having a freaking baby! then i went dancing all night, which is probably the first time since 7th grade that i went out just to dance (sans prom). it was a blast. ran into rach, whom i havent seen in a criminally long time, she is so skinny! its crazy. she looks so youthful and happy.
then today i went to laumier park and soaked up the fresh air and good company. then i played ping pong and painted carrie and niks basement a bit. great weekend all in all.
cant think of any interesting stories for now, but if i do, ill come back. miss you all!
i have decided i want my next car to be a nissan xterra, now i just have to find out which one exactly.
this weekend was fun. saturday was a bbq at dads where i found out jeff and jolene are moving to st lou and are having a freaking baby! then i went dancing all night, which is probably the first time since 7th grade that i went out just to dance (sans prom). it was a blast. ran into rach, whom i havent seen in a criminally long time, she is so skinny! its crazy. she looks so youthful and happy.
then today i went to laumier park and soaked up the fresh air and good company. then i played ping pong and painted carrie and niks basement a bit. great weekend all in all.
cant think of any interesting stories for now, but if i do, ill come back. miss you all!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
social bug

i have been bitten by the social bug. its wonderful. over the past 3 weeks or so i have been going out like crazy and i cant even keep track of the nights. so if i repeat a story, i apologize. one weekend, i actually stayed on 4 different couches in 4 nights. great fun.
so one weekend i went to a bon fire at the dollarhides, and saw the cottage of my dreams. then that sunday i went and played bingo at Pi. it was very interesting because the number caller was dressed in drag. this was a very weird experience bc i thought i was going to just play bingo, but really he.....i mean she, would take a 15 minute break between each game to "dance" (walk around the room in high heels flirting with guys) and "sing" (lip sink to songs like big girls dont cry). after this, me abby and my new friend tucker went to the house she was sitting and drank lots of wine and smoked alot and played music. the reason i want to remember this night is bc we spoke in english accents the whole time and it reminded me of wonderful nights in london. they called me gerzshery all night and it quickly became my favorite nickname of all time. i was late to work the next day, but it was worth it.
ive been spending time with tons of new and cool people like abby and tucker, slade, the journey girls (emily, janessa, dena, cher, and ashley), work people like spanish and brad, and old friends like katie and and kevin. its been great. i love new seasons like this.
so heres a couple more quick stories about my night life:
one night there was a victor wooten concert at the pageant. dont ask me who invited me or how i knew about it or why i came to the loop because i honestly dont remember. but i do remember seeing emily at the front door when i tried to just waltz in. the lady at the door said the boxoffice was closed so i couldnt enter (which was lame of her, bc the concert was half over anyways). im terrible at taking no for an answer, so i asked emily for her ticket. she said she didnt feel comfortable doing that. somehow she ended up handing it over... so i went to the other door. the guy at this door, luckily, looked very much like drugs had fried all of his useful brain cells. his jaw was slacked open and he was hunched there gazing at me. i handed him the ticket and he said, this has already been swiped, where is your stamp? (i didnt know you needed a stamp on your hand) so i just stood there and raised my eyebrows and lifted my shoulders as if to say, i dunno where it escaped to. he looked at me for a few seconds and then just stamped my hand...hahaha. then my cousin walked by, and i said AMANDA! and looked at the burnout gate keeper and said, hey that's my cousin! as if he cared. then in my moronic state of excitement i asked amanda, what are you doing here? she said, i love victor wooten, what are you doing here? and i responded, I just got here!
...i immediately looked back at the door keeper realizing what i just said. he started stuttering something and so i turned quickly and entered the venue. it was awesome. ireally hope this blog isnt incriminating evidence.
cut to a week later, i went to see the journey girls again for emily's bday extravaganza. they were at a concert at the pageant. so i went to the loop to wait for them to get out. but at the midpoint of the concert they came outside to say hi to me, and they came out so full of energy. they all hugged me, and dena called me a ray of sunshine or something ridiculously nice like that, and they were talking about how fun it was dancing in of course, i began thinking about the week previous. i tell them i want to go in. and i cant remember if it was my idea or dena's, but dena licked her hand and we pushed our hands together to get the stamp to rub off. it didnt really work, but it showed enough stamp to where i felt it would.
so one of them gave me their ticket and i walked up and looked at my hand and said, 'aw man, dang, my stamp mustve washed off in the bathroom' or something and the new door person said, 'no problem at all, hey Johnny give him a new stamp!' then i was in like flin!
after the concert i danced some more. the journey girls all jumped into my dad's van and we headed to maplewood. there, we met up with a bunch of other cool people. at this place called cusamanos, and we all danced goofy and it was great times. i met a few more new people, such as a gal from work, april and her home schooled friend jess.
im tired now, so this post ends here. at work, i ended in the top 20 for march. and am presently in the top 10 for april! (out of 200+) my boss reprimands me alot for showing up late on saturdays, but he also said that if i keep working hard, i will get promoted quickly, because 3 managers have asked about me already!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
so many titles, i cant pick one...lets go with happy st pats
okay, so a brief update on the job. it started out feeling more like 8 hours of recess. sam allowed us to watch movies between calls, we (the spanish dept and i)juggled with a mini soccer ball, me and my new music friend paul played guitar at lunch, i played the freerice game online, and there was just an overall sense of merriment and casualness all around. i dont know if i mentioned this also, but the building itself is an old mall which has been renovated and now has a trampoline, bball court, game room with pingpong and videogames, a huge cafe/open area, and a workout room. so yeah, less of a job, more of a party.
but before i get into that, i should mention the first whole week of work i was real sick. i was throwing up and sweating like mad at night, i was too dizzy and pained to stand or walk in the day, and still tried a few times to come in and be a friendly voice.
i survived. so the next three weeks were filled with this fun time with my good friend sam at the helm and plenty of fun people to keep me busy. then i got the news. a night shift was being implemented. sam was taking the new post. what followed was very unexpected. not only was he taking his guitar with him, he was taking more than half of our team of 25 people and moving to the other side of the mall. : (
so today was day one without them. it was tough. sams office is stripped of the frank sinatra posters and character. the office is quiet without my dwight-like cubicle neighbor josh and my other cubicle neighbor who talks like he is black. and my new boss is actually concerned with my job performance...what? sam would actually pull me away from calls to come hang out in his office and play guitar for him. this guy is screening my calls and critiquing me.
its more of a job now, but i am still really enjoying it. in the past two weeks i have moved up from being 110th or so out of 210 to being number 17 for the month. so i am hoping i will continue to prosper. if i do, i will be promoted in a matter of months to the sales floor.
so thats work. in my social life, i have met many new people recently and it has been a welcome addition in the craziness of life. most notable are the journey girls. 4 gals who are all uniquely interesting and fun. i went to sashas wine bar with them once and the next night was invited to a sneak peak of watchman. it was fun. we actually kind of had to sneak into the sneakpeak. we butted.
tonight i hung out with them again for st pattys day. which is rapidly becoming one of my most beloved holidays. it never fails to bring a sense of excitement. the green, the booze, the nostalgia. it is after all the day of my first contact wearing in london! i was actually suppose to be seeing maps and atlases for free, but the show filled before i got there~! sadness down the windowpane...
but the night was not ruined. i went and had a grand ole time in the cwe. went back to the chase garage for the first time since i left and saw its improvements. saw dan akroyd at sub zero promoting his new vodka. i saw the coneman himself. and i also had an interesting talk with a man named rich and his lady nancy. i jokingly asked him if he had 'earned' his beads and he straight faced told me that he didnt have to earn anything, bc he made 50 an hour. i laughed and asked what he did. he was a painter (gray haired, beard, hippyish). then he got really cool and introduced us to nancy, the love of his life. they told us the story of how they met bc she needed a painter and he did it for her for free, then she made him dinner. and something about how she played oh danny boy on the flute and made him cry. it was beautiful.
also, in my social life, i played a few hockey games in my friend josh's league for him. on the day of the championship we had to play a game to get into the champ game. in o.t. i scored a one timer. it was exhilerating. then in the big game we had a huge brawl. as it was being sorted out by the refs one of the opposing players came onto our bench and sucker punched josh. 6 of our guys then jumped him and the refs and owners freaked out. josh was bleeding, everyone was holding up fists. it was over. we didnt get to finish.
its 3 in the morning...i gotta stop typing even tho i want to tell the story of the victor wooten show...later.
but before i get into that, i should mention the first whole week of work i was real sick. i was throwing up and sweating like mad at night, i was too dizzy and pained to stand or walk in the day, and still tried a few times to come in and be a friendly voice.
i survived. so the next three weeks were filled with this fun time with my good friend sam at the helm and plenty of fun people to keep me busy. then i got the news. a night shift was being implemented. sam was taking the new post. what followed was very unexpected. not only was he taking his guitar with him, he was taking more than half of our team of 25 people and moving to the other side of the mall. : (
so today was day one without them. it was tough. sams office is stripped of the frank sinatra posters and character. the office is quiet without my dwight-like cubicle neighbor josh and my other cubicle neighbor who talks like he is black. and my new boss is actually concerned with my job performance...what? sam would actually pull me away from calls to come hang out in his office and play guitar for him. this guy is screening my calls and critiquing me.
its more of a job now, but i am still really enjoying it. in the past two weeks i have moved up from being 110th or so out of 210 to being number 17 for the month. so i am hoping i will continue to prosper. if i do, i will be promoted in a matter of months to the sales floor.
so thats work. in my social life, i have met many new people recently and it has been a welcome addition in the craziness of life. most notable are the journey girls. 4 gals who are all uniquely interesting and fun. i went to sashas wine bar with them once and the next night was invited to a sneak peak of watchman. it was fun. we actually kind of had to sneak into the sneakpeak. we butted.
tonight i hung out with them again for st pattys day. which is rapidly becoming one of my most beloved holidays. it never fails to bring a sense of excitement. the green, the booze, the nostalgia. it is after all the day of my first contact wearing in london! i was actually suppose to be seeing maps and atlases for free, but the show filled before i got there~! sadness down the windowpane...
but the night was not ruined. i went and had a grand ole time in the cwe. went back to the chase garage for the first time since i left and saw its improvements. saw dan akroyd at sub zero promoting his new vodka. i saw the coneman himself. and i also had an interesting talk with a man named rich and his lady nancy. i jokingly asked him if he had 'earned' his beads and he straight faced told me that he didnt have to earn anything, bc he made 50 an hour. i laughed and asked what he did. he was a painter (gray haired, beard, hippyish). then he got really cool and introduced us to nancy, the love of his life. they told us the story of how they met bc she needed a painter and he did it for her for free, then she made him dinner. and something about how she played oh danny boy on the flute and made him cry. it was beautiful.
also, in my social life, i played a few hockey games in my friend josh's league for him. on the day of the championship we had to play a game to get into the champ game. in o.t. i scored a one timer. it was exhilerating. then in the big game we had a huge brawl. as it was being sorted out by the refs one of the opposing players came onto our bench and sucker punched josh. 6 of our guys then jumped him and the refs and owners freaked out. josh was bleeding, everyone was holding up fists. it was over. we didnt get to finish.
its 3 in the morning...i gotta stop typing even tho i want to tell the story of the victor wooten show...later.
Friday, March 6, 2009
an effort to catch up, part 1

sweet jesus i need to update! i forgot about this, because im back in st louis and quite busy. so im just going to go ahead and tell a few stories from the past 2 months. hopefully i will remember more while typing, because i know ive forgotten alot.
1. looking for jobs suuuuuucks. i applied like a madman and got nothing. except once i did get a callback from a craigslist app. she said it was a group interview at a hotel downtown. so i thought that sounded interesting. i went and instead of the 15 people that were suppose to be competing against me, there were 4...huh.
so i sit in the front row, fifteen minutes early, hoping the other ten will show. instead, 2 of the 4 tell the person in charge that the had planned on printing their applications out at the hotel ups store and the printer was broke. so since they had no apps they just left without telling anyone. so the women in charge says, 'well we had this set up for a group, but since there are only two, we will just interview you one at a time. greg youll be first.' so she sent the other girl to the hallway to wait. i got grilled with a bunch of really dumb questions about who my contacts were and how i could help start a company. what? i thought i was applying for an administrative assistant position... (oh yeah, i didnt mention that there was a panel of 'judges' consisting of friends of the lady 'in charge.')
after i answer the silly questions i am sent to the hall to retrieve the other girl. i look up. i look down. no one. she had left her folder on a table. i guess i won by default.
then the lady said she liked me and would call me, but she had this expression that said, 'im lying to you right now, i cant believe no one but you showed up.' it was funny. i wouldnt have worked for her even if she begged me.
2. i finally found a way to make money. i was summoned for jury duty. $12. i really enjoyed myself. first i took a shuttle to the courthouse. then i sat in a room that looked like a bus stop for 3 hours while i read steinbeck and talked to the two ladies next to me. then my number got called. i was filed into another busstop area with 26 other people. i recognized one of the girls, she dated an old high school friend. i didnt say anything because it didnt look like she remembered, and even if she did, i hate seeing people who havent seen me in 2 years because i inevitably have to discuss hairloss.
then we were very slowly escourted to the criminal courthouse and very slowly put into some sort of order unknown to us, and very slowly shuffled into the courtroom. as soon as we sit down we are told to rise for the honorable judge. then as soon as we sit down again he tells us to go to lunch. stupid.
the line at subway was epic. out the door for over an hour. i felt so bad for those minimum wage workers.
then we get back in and spend like 4 hours being asked questions. and being forced to listen to stupid answers to the questions. especially this one guy who wasnt all there. the question was 'have you been affiliated with any political campaigns in the last two years?' and this guy. this guy was overweight, thick glasses, greasy hair,and had on a fanny pack. his response to this question was something about how he made a belt for president kennedy, and how it didnt fit and he had to put an extra hole in it. and then he just randomly, in the middle of his rambling, said 'and goldplated fingernail clippers.' everyone laughed. it was too weird to properly explain.
then the question was asked, 'do you recognize anyone in this room?' i was under oath, so i stood up and said i did. they asked who. i said, well i dont know her name. they said can you point to her. so i pointed and said, the girl with the pink hair. she looked at me like a stranger of course. and everyone looked at me like i was insane. it was uber awkward and pointless.
then finally, the jury was picked. it was something like 10 girls and one dude, which seems biased. the trial was about some guy who stole $26,000 or so from the community colleges. he looked super creepy.
i was so glad i didnt get picked because i really didnt want the responsibility of deciding where that guy lives for the next 10-15.
3. me and kevin were excited. our boy dan was coming in town for a one night only reunion. we planned a night of bar game competition. darts, pool, shuffle board... but after darts (which dan won in the coolest way possible, see pic) we called sam, our old college buddy, and found out he was willing to hang. he is also a tough one to get face time with so we dropped the competition. dan wouldve won it all anyways, who are we kidding?
so we left to go meet sam at brennans. oh yea, meet sam. sam is a baller. he likes nice things and he likes to take care of his friends. he is tons of fun. but anyways, on the way there dan opens the van side door and jokingly yells at a guy on a bike 'gas guzzler!' or something silly like that at a red light. this yahoo freaks out and comes over to the van and starts yelling at us telling us we are pussies and using alot of expletives. dan and kevin lock their doors. and i proceed to get really pissed. this moron who is void of humor is touching my van and my friends just sat there. i mean come on, there are three of us!
as we drove away and left the biker in our dust, i stopped being pissy as i realized that kevin actually kept his cool. this made me happy that kevin was still happy because for the past year he has been wanting to fight anything that moves : )
so we make it to brennans (a wine/cigar bar in the central west end) and meet sam at his bmw. we proceed to have a fantastic night of socializing and merriment. during which time sam asked if we needed a job. i didnt take it too seriously, bc he has dangled this in front of me in the past, but told him i was interested.
4. two days later, sam calls and tells me to come in for an interview.
i dress up, go to u.s. fidelis, and prepare myself for a grueling interview. and then sam meets me at the lobby. apparently he is my interviewer! we just chat a little bit about the job and i fill out an app and he says, alright you got the job. it was the coolest thing ever.
so now i am in the presales dept at a car warranty provider. every day i get to see my good friend sam, which makes the day pretty easy. not to mention he has a guitar in his office which i play every lunch break. god is cool. i will tell more work details next blog...
also, i moved into my sister carries house because it cuts the commute in half. i am super excited. and they seem to be as well because of nights like tonight. i am babysitting whilst they go have a life.
i do miss the city. i do miss the outdoors. but i am quite happy with this season of life and am trying my best to enjoy this day and not think about all the potential the future holds.
Friday, January 9, 2009
first entry of 2009
whoops...forgot about the blog. i havent had my own computer set up for 2+ weeks and ive been dealing with holiday madness. not to mention that nothing immensely noteworthy has come up. just your typical holiday fun. family gatherings, family drama, family fun. lots of food and presents.
long story short, i am back in st. louis and very happy about it. i am sick of living in my parents house and sick of being funemployed tho. i am ready to be a functioning member of society, which is a nice change for sure.
i am currently looking into nursing and fire fighting as career options. kelly thinks i would be a good teacher, and maybe that would be good too, but right now i am kind of leaning towards the fire fighting. it seems challenging, rewarding, and time worthy. also, i would have side time for other things like music. my only real concern for going in the ff direction is wondering if i would fit in at a firehouse. all tv shows and stuff show only frat guys as firemen. with all of the downtime, i am just wondering if i would be miserable trying to relate to them.
hopefully more to come later, happy new year.
long story short, i am back in st. louis and very happy about it. i am sick of living in my parents house and sick of being funemployed tho. i am ready to be a functioning member of society, which is a nice change for sure.
i am currently looking into nursing and fire fighting as career options. kelly thinks i would be a good teacher, and maybe that would be good too, but right now i am kind of leaning towards the fire fighting. it seems challenging, rewarding, and time worthy. also, i would have side time for other things like music. my only real concern for going in the ff direction is wondering if i would fit in at a firehouse. all tv shows and stuff show only frat guys as firemen. with all of the downtime, i am just wondering if i would be miserable trying to relate to them.
hopefully more to come later, happy new year.
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