now i am in california. it was sad to see charlie leave, i didnt even realize
at the time that i was saying goodbye for multiple months, it just felt
like "see ya tomorrow"
before he left we went to paramount pictures and got an awesome tour
with his buddy mike and watched a movie were spielberg edits his movies.
then i purchased south park for 12 bucks at the gift shop! he also was able to experience
bsf night (breakfast sandwich friday) in all its glory and splendor. oh yeah, and on night
one, zack took us on a walk of downtown glendale and we had in and out!
since then, we have had a dress up bday party for some girls they know.
i was hancock. zack also made some toasted ravs that were, dare i say, better than
the hill.
me and zack cleaned his room, the porch, and the rest of the house. i set up my
computer, got internet and set up my new webcam so i can visit face to face
with people (kelly, kevin, mom so far). a year old bag of bottles and stuff
from a party broke at the very top of zacks stairs and made the loudest cacaphony
of all time. it startled me worse than the earthquake, honestly. glass everywhere.
stains splattered on the walls and carpeted stairs! zacks priceless face like someone just
broke up with him. oh man, i took a pic.
also, i experienced a 5.8 earthquake yesterday! that is alot of fun. i enjoy natural
phenoms.today i begin looking on craiglist for job options!
we also went to a church tuesday night. everyone there was a singer (it felt like) so
worship was amazing. it did make me feel like a small fish in a big pond.
for some reason, this was more comforting than intimidating. knowing i am
not that special is kind of a nice thing to remember. there are thousands of other gregs.
oh yeah, and i love the roommates. this guy kyle, who i am replacing is pretty cool.
your basic blond haired guitar playing californian. then bryson, a way cool
philosophical brotha. and dan, a very big bouncer/teddy bear. scary, yet sings
like kyle from tenacious d.
i had a chance to go play frisbee golf with 3 of them (minus bryson) and it was
better than t.v. although, i loathe...loathe frisbee golf. i suck. who combines two
recreational sports anyways, how lame. id rather play soccer.